Fractal Poster Master Version 1.1 (C)opyright 1992, Shawn Pourchot ---------------------------------- SETUP ~~~~~ 1. Copy files to your utilities directory 2. Drag Fractal Poster Master icon into a folder 3. Double click on icon to execute SO WHAT DOES IT DO? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Calculates the Mandelbrot set from a specified position and increment. 2. Can print many pages of the set to your default printer. 3. You can assemble the pages together and form a gigantic poster! 4. Allows you to view the set as its calculating in a sizable box to home in on a good spot to print. PRINTING ~~~~~~~~ 1. The check box "Printer" is checked when the page will be dumped to your default printer. This can be checked or unchecked any time during the calculation. 2. The "Page Size" parameters are initialized to the highest resolution of you default printer. You can change these values and at print time the program will scale the fractal to fit the entire page. Scaling can be used to reduce the calculation time or save memory. 3. I found a file of 960 X 1584 (8.5 X 11.0 inch Dot matrix) is about 180K when placed in the print manager, so watch your memory and/or disk space for huge posters. 4. The "Image Pages" parameters are the number of printer pages you want the image to be. It prints all the rows in a column first before moving to the next column. This is very useful for fanfold paper printers. 5. "Current Page" refers to the current page that is being calculated and is being filled in the adjacent window. The Percentage at the bottom refers to the % of the page completed. 6. "Time" is the starting time for the entire poster, and when completed the finish time. Useful for estimating when your poster will be finished for those over night runs. If you've enjoy this program and wish to encourage the author.. Please Send: $5.00 to register or, $15.00 to register and get the next version * US Dollars only please. To: Shawn Pourchot 834 Jenifer St. #2 Madison, Wi 53703 USA CompuServe: 70214,436